
My anal retentiveness is in full force!

I'm very anal retentive!

I have a spreadsheet I use to track my workouts each week. It's broken out by week and then by day, and then by sport - run, swim, bike. It tells me exactly what my workout schedule should be each week until the tri. For example, here's what a week's schedule looks like:

(The yellow are off days, the pink are the targets each week.)

Last week was not such a good week. When I went back this morning and put in my workouts from last week, I had 4 OFF DAYS (I blame women's college basketball regional championship games). On top of that, I only swam once (at Tues night training). I have got to get more committed!!!

I think I'm going to post my weekly schedule every Monday so I can be even more accountable to what I'm supposed to do each week. Because I have "catch up" to do from last week (the 60 laps I have on the schedule for today are those "catch up" laps), here is what my schedule looks like this week:

My primary goal for this week is to complete ALL of my scheduled workouts, rain or shine. I still need to map out a 4.5 mi run for Wednesday (Google Earth, I love you!). We're doing the 3 bears loop on Saturday for training - wonder if we'll do that in the rain. If not, I'm off to the gym to do the 25 miles!


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